Get To Know Local Grocery Store: Whole Foods Co-op
- January 16
- Duluth Loves Local
- Announcements, Local Spotlight
The Whole Foods Buying Club was founded in Duluth and our business organically grew from there. Our consumer-owned cooperative moved to multiple locations around Duluth as our business grew, and now we are located in both the Hillside and Denfeld neighborhoods with a two store operation and nearly 10,000 owners!

Small Business Saturday 2016
- November 25
- Duluth Loves Local
- Announcements, Duluth Local Business, Duluth Events
There are so many great shops to go to on Small Business Saturday! To help you find the best places we compiled this list! If you know of something happening that we missed please email us at hello(at)duluthloveslocal.com

Duluth Winter Village 2016
Join us December 3rd and 4th for the Duluth Winter Village, hosted by Glensheen.

Duluth Loves Local Spotlight – Lake Superior Art Glass
- November 08
- Duluth Loves Local
- Duluth Local Business, Local Spotlight
This spotlight features the best place to go when you are looking to brew something delicious at home – Duluth Homebrew Supply! Katie and Kelly have a passion for homebrewing and they don’t limit it to just beer. Head into their shop and you will find products to brew beer, wine, cider, kombucha and cheese!

2016 Local Gift Guide | Duluth Loves Local Picks
- November 02
- Duluth Loves Local
- Announcements, Duluth Local Business
With the holiday season soon approaching we thought it was time to share our local Duluth favorites with you! Show us where you like to shop local by using #duluthloveslocal

Get To Know Local Farmers: Clover Valley Farms
- October 04
- Duluth Loves Local
- Announcements, Local Spotlight
Get to know Clover Valley Farms: We applied for and got a 2 year grant from the USDA to conducts a technical and market feasibility study to determine if an artisanal vinegar operation could really work. The short answer was yes and we were off to the races. We continue to build our fruit & herb production capacity as our vinegar business grows too!